Superior Technology For Most Effective-Efficient-Energy
    Saving Solutions For Drying-Cleaning-Blow
    OFF -Wiping-Many more Applications.


Is Use of Compressed Air Justified for Drying and Blow Off Applications?

    • Most of us believe that air is free.
      True, however compressed air is not free.
      You require a lot of electrical energy, to compress the air, and store for later use.
      Due to its inherent nature, when air is compressed, lot of heat is generated.
      This heat is normally dissipated in the atmosphere.
      The dissipated heat is a lost energy.
      This energy will never be recovered and may amount to nearly 30% of input costs.
    • Consider following additional losses when using compressed air :
      Frictional loss in the piping
      Joint leakage loss. (Which are very common in most installations)
      Losses due to usage of compressed air, at much higher pressures, than most applications require
      Losses due to poor maintenance of compressors
    • When you add up all these factors, you may come up with alarming figures of loss.
    • Further, compressed air has a lot of contaminations, such as lubricating oil, carbon emissions of burnt oil, condensate, solids and vapors.
    • These impurities need to be removed before compressed air is ready for use.

    • Someone who wants a very effective and economical drying and blow off system has to consider all of above negative factors, before deciding to use compressed air, for such drying and blow off applications. This truth may come as surprise to so many of us, who have been using compressed air for so long, for such applications.

    • The next logical question would be “What is the alternative?”

      Answer is Ring Blower Assisted Air Knife System.
      Ring Blower assisted Air Knife Systems offer most effective drying and blow off solutions.
      Use of Ring Blower assisted Air Knife System can cut down operating energy cost by as much as 80 % compared to compressed air installations.

    • Some of Salient points in comparison are
      Ring Blower Assisted Air Knife Systems offer :

      Higher Velocities/ Impact Force For Better Results.

      Lower Capital Costs

      Lower Operating Energy Costs

      Practically Free of Maintenance

      Lower Noise Level

      Improved Product Safety Because Of Low Working Pressures

      Improved Working Safety Because Of Safe Working Pressures

      Cleaner Environment

      Simpler Controls

      Smaller & Compact installations.

      Easier to Install

      Higher Temperature Air

      No Restriction on Air knife Lengths

      Oil Free Air

      Continuous Lubrication Is Eliminated

      Increased Productivity

      Better Quality

      Flexible Production Planning

      Waste Reclamation

      With this comparison it is a very easy decision, in the favor of Ring Blower assisted Air Knife System for drying and blows off applications.