Selecting a proper Air Knife System with all matching components is vital to it providing a most efficient, economical and energy saving solution.
There are number of design parameters which need to be considered.
Some of these parameters which require consideration are:
Type of Application: Such as drying cooling, cleaning, blow off etc
Handled Product data: such as Dimensions, Configuration, Surface texture, Material Orientation etc
Result expectations of systems.
Other Details: such as speed, conveyor details, present working solutions and its deficiencies, electrical supply available etc.
With all these and other helpful data, designing of system can be done with guidelines which follow.
In spite of best efforts, sometimes on the site correction, re-adjustment or fine tuning may be required to achieve the best results.
Many times, to compensate for certain unknown parameters, product behavior or such undefined details, designer may tend to over design a system.
Heavily over designed System may meet the result expectations, but it may not be energy/cost efficient.
Hence a comprehensive input data and details, sketches, drawing etc will help reduce incidence of over designing system.